Julia Doolittle


-television writer-



“One of the smartest people I know.”

- Jacob Basri, her best friend who is objective and right.


JULIA is a Los Angeles and New York City based screenwriter and playwright. (Plays are those things we did before the plague. They had lights, costumes, Nathan Lane?) Her work has been seen at SecondStage, Ensemble Studio Theatre, South Coast Repertory, Williamstown and more. There’s a resume somewhere down there.

Julia was born in Reseda, CA, known only for that one Eagles song and The Karate Kid. She attended seven years of Catholic School before enrolling at Sarah Lawrence College, rated by the Princeton Review as “The exact opposite of Catholic School in every way”. Julia was very happy there. Post graduation, she moved to New York City, worked a lot of terrible jobs and hated Andrew Cuomo before it was cool.

Currently, Julia is writing for film and TV, her latest feature currently attached at a major production company. Two of her plays are slated for workshops and productions in 2022, barring Zeta variant or whatever they come up with next.

She wishes you and all your loved ones good health, great art, and vibrant living.

March 2022

Julia is going to be featured on the Dungeons and Drama Nerds podcast GMing a game of Lancer.

Fall 2022


Summer 2022